There's always a first.

This past week and a half has been one with a couple of firsts for me. Ever since my last post, I seriously cannot remember what I've done with my time until the past week or so. Two weeks suddenly just passed by which may have been due to work at the sixer starting again. Actually, that's probably it.

So I started work again and apart from the fact that I'll be able to survive again, my new found passion for cooking has made the whole work environment a lot better endured. The saying fresh is best is no lie. I've found motivation for cooking and as a result have been playing with my food a fair bit; before cooking it of course. I've started to experiment with a lot of ingredients these days which may have been due to going grocery shopping for the first time in a month or so (mum looks after us pretty good). Copying a fellow chef, I used Rosemary to make Rosemary skewered prawns which were pan fried in butter. Absolutely beautiful when he made it, absolutely not awesome when I made it at home with month old frozen prawns.

Work has overlapped into time at home when I'm trying to think of new ways to cook and eat chicken breasts. I guess it's not so much as described as work as I'm enjoying it but the habit of having my tea towel draped across my shoulder and the need to clean up dishes after finishing doesn't seem to stray too far; I think it's a good habit.

In talking about food at home, the chicken breasts, tuna and protein shakes have allowed me to dust off another couple of kilograms, sitting me on 109kgs after training. For the first time since high school, I am under 110kg and am loving absolutely every moment of it. My energy levels have been a lot higher and my overall mood has been a much more positive outlook to life. I'm not in the best shape nor am I the prettiest (even though I'd like to think otherwise) but just having someone notice that I've lost some weight or say I look a bit better, just makes everything seem more worth it. Thanks mum. :S

....and all my wonderful mates.

Uni life has been great. I've been really enjoying my practicals these past couple of weeks but that's probably because I've started to actually make some new friends. My prac partner, even though she has little to say is pretty cool. I overheard one of our tutors saying how great we work together, especially when amazingly there's great communication even though there's little of it. I guess all good communication is one that can be understood, hopefully the times I stuffed up this semester won't deter her from helping me out next semester. I've also caught up with a long lost friend who coincidentally was in my prac class as well. It's funny how the rekindling of old motivation for a love occurs when talking about it's history...

The things life sometimes throws at you hey? Not quite sure whether I should throw it back or hold onto it. It does add a couple of more good reasons to life though, maybe let time run its course.

To be continued.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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