Hahahaha, No.

Yeah, so it hasn't been that great.

It's been a little hard to stay positive these days with the bombardment of things not to look forward to but time still passes so I guess that's okay.

Uni started two weeks ago but my first attendance was a week and a half later. It's always a little harder getting back into routine with an already busy schedule of work so I guess it's just a little normal to feel overwhelmed. This semester already seems like a challenging one with the first lecture on drug interactions confusing my already lost brain. I started placement this week and it's been pretty full on. My preceptor chucked me in the deep end; something I was tipped about after Trung told me a pre-reg quit because she was too strict. I actually like it to be honest, I mean, you don't learn anything if your spoon fed.

The drug rehabilitation program they have at the pharmacy really opened my eyes. I am definitely not as judgmental as I was before only really recognizing that the majority of drug abusers are normal people like you and me; everybody deserves a second chance. The experience also motivated me to seriously look deep into myself and figure out what I needed to change. Life may seem to be moving forward but much like muscle fibers under different conditions, more intensity and stress will lead to more growth. There's always something better and I'm trying hard to find it..my second chance perhaps?


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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