I'm Loving it

Practically pretty dead both physically and mentally but honestly, haven't been in a better mood.

Money is not on my mind because for at least now, it seems that having alot of it or not much of it (I'm sure you can guess that I have the latter), doesn't really affect me. I'm so tired, I think if I closed them just that little bit longer, I'd probably wake up on Sunday. But I'm fine. I feel great, maybe it's the way I've looked at a particular position and how I've made myself feel which may explain such current content. 'They' do say that with a strong mind, even a weak person can win a war; don't know who said that though...I think I made it up.

Off to work, so glad I'm able to sleep soon. See you all after my slumber.


it feels like im going to die to be honest! its getting hard...real hard and no, its not that you sick minded mother...
all this cramming has made me a little mad. my thirty percent oral
yesterday actually looks quite good now considering now bad i felt coming into and out of the viva today but you know what, stuff it. you look back to regret something that was in the past. cant do anything about it now but right...i could cry i guess...cont....
So I didn't cry and I crammed hard for my pharmacotherapeutics that happened yesterday. Haven't ever been so confident going into, and coming out of an exam. But still, my mind is full of regret and worry, especially being unsure of how my viva went; and the particular assessment history for that unit. Just hope I did well enough to pull all my grades up. I hate all this having to pass all components nonsense, pretty poo house really.

And again, I'm ridden with such worry as well, upon my eve of my second exam (second last), procrastinating on going over my notes I had made all day. I summarized probably a couple of hundred pages (probably a bit short of a thousand) in just over 13 double sided pages. Geez, if only I had known that a whole semester could be crammed into 13 double sided pages, I wouldn't of wasted my time going to any lectures. Honestly, if study actually was like this, everyone would have a pharmacy degree, wait, what?

I'm getting pretty jittery and relaxed at the moment though. I think I'm at a down point with the pseudo effects wearing off. My heart feels pretty quick but the nasal congestion has come back. I probably should get to studying, or at least reading my notes before the night gets too late and I'll be sleepless again for yet another night. It hasn't been too bad though, the caffeine makes my dreams go all funny when I actually do fall asleep. The freezing absolute coldness has helped knock me out too.

Sweet dreams my people, to those who sleep at 8:57 on  Tuesday night. I swear I will be in bed by at least this time tomorrow. Then, to another crammage session the preceding day. Study hard. 

thus the posts below.

 Fully sick fight.

13:20 - 2 x D - D1: Black in colour with gold colouring on the paws and neck, approximately 10 years of age, skinny build and D2: Red nose, gold/ brown in colour, muscular build, approximately 10 months of age were removed from front yard to back door after an altercation occured when D1 was involved in a verbal altercation with D3 - Black and White colour, approximately 50 kilograms, fluffy in appearance.

D2 in an attempt to remove D1 from the situation, moved in front of D3 and the situation escalated. I physically removed D1 from the front yard in a double handed cuddle lift to back door (3). D1 continued to be verbally abusive however left on foot. I ran back to the front door to assess the situation and D2 and D3 had become very aggressive, nearing physical contact. I removed D2 in a double handed cuddle lift to the garage when D2 resisted and got loose from my hold. In an attempt to restrain D2, I grabbed D2 by the collar to moved him with reasonable force to the back door where himself and D1 both became very aggressive verbally at myself and D3 (4).

Owner of D3 came onto the scene and removed D3 via motor vehicle. D1 and D2 later lapped some water and played with a ball. No further incident occurred.

Levels of force used:
(1) No force used
(2) Little force used
(3) Medium force used
(4) Large force used

Farout, 5/12!

It's May already! It really is quite amazing how quickly this year has passed us by. And here I was, talking smack, swearing that I just said that Christmas was just around the corner; it's actually so much closer now!

I hear the breeze moving the solar lights around outside (I just looked outside and they are off at the moment), and that burning smell the trees let off when it's nearly winter. As always, Jason Mraz seems to always find his way through my speakers around this time and winter, as we speak, is nearing, a lot sooner as it seems; it's quite cold already!

The year has already had many ups and downs, and although I had already anticipated it as one I'd remember, not solely due to the good things that happened, bad luck definitely has not dissapointed yet. But the good things have happened and it's bringing me along slowly, taking me much like a boat upon a run out tide, just about to anyway.

I've loaded up on coffee and I've given up on trying to fight the addiction. I'm sorry but without it, it's pretty much all over red rover for me; a term I've picked up again after our lecturer used it to explain a patient suffering from a hemorrhagic stroke. I can't remember the last time I used the term red rover. The coffees made me giddy, I'll need a refill soon.

I have to say, our feasting has in no way ended. With Meet Fresh just opening, we definitely had to give it ago, especially after smashing it in Sydney pretty much every night! Buffet'd our hearts out down at food fantasy after my couple of minutes of fame when I got to "dance" with the jabbawockeez. That was an amazing experience!

When I say Dance, it was more movement/ waddle than anything else. Getting picked from the crowd to help with a part, all I can say is, that although it was absolutely embarrassing and terrifying, it's definitely something I will remember for the rest of my life; they gave me a jabbawockeez mask too! HOW COOL IS THAT!


We've been experimenting a fair bit with the camera these past couple of months. What's really intrigued us is levitation photography. Thuy can't jump and I can't take photos but we've come up with our little own interpretation of the art. Not the best but hopefully we're getting there, albeit slowly.
With a phone. 

With an umbrella .

With a sock.
With a tap.

''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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