Fully sick fight.

13:20 - 2 x D - D1: Black in colour with gold colouring on the paws and neck, approximately 10 years of age, skinny build and D2: Red nose, gold/ brown in colour, muscular build, approximately 10 months of age were removed from front yard to back door after an altercation occured when D1 was involved in a verbal altercation with D3 - Black and White colour, approximately 50 kilograms, fluffy in appearance.

D2 in an attempt to remove D1 from the situation, moved in front of D3 and the situation escalated. I physically removed D1 from the front yard in a double handed cuddle lift to back door (3). D1 continued to be verbally abusive however left on foot. I ran back to the front door to assess the situation and D2 and D3 had become very aggressive, nearing physical contact. I removed D2 in a double handed cuddle lift to the garage when D2 resisted and got loose from my hold. In an attempt to restrain D2, I grabbed D2 by the collar to moved him with reasonable force to the back door where himself and D1 both became very aggressive verbally at myself and D3 (4).

Owner of D3 came onto the scene and removed D3 via motor vehicle. D1 and D2 later lapped some water and played with a ball. No further incident occurred.

Levels of force used:
(1) No force used
(2) Little force used
(3) Medium force used
(4) Large force used


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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