Such.Is.Life. Part 2

Well did I work my ass off? I sure hope I did because if that wasn't one of the hardest months I've had, I sure hope I can take what else there is to come. So alright, it wasn't actually that terribly hard, just a little lack of sleep here and there, I mean you only really need 6 hours a night anyway right; there are still 18 hours left of whatever else you please?

I got away with 6 most nights of the week but the weekends really did test my strength. I didn't really get off my feet  starting on Friday morning at 7 until the midnight of Saturday. Placement then to the restaurant, then to security, then to the restaurant and then gym. I see where you're getting at and I agree, why not just skip gym and close those seekers for a little of those ponies. Honestly, I really don't know, but I never did skip one gym session the whole month or so I was on placement.

It just seemed easier and easier to get through my days as the days progressed along the weeks. 8 hour days just didn't seem as long by the end of the four week period, dude, even the 40 or so hours of work those weekends didn't phase me much by the end of it. I guess what the whole experience taught me was if it needs to be done, regardless of the situation, one foot over the next gets you one step closer to your goal, or in my case, completion.

I'll tell you now, I definitely am not as productive now, on holidays, with days to do all the things I planned to do, compared to when I was living the placement life. But hard work pays off and I do stand by that, so much more than I did before starting placement. Don't get me wrong, I have always been a hard work pays off type of guy but in this instance, I really did have a smidgen of doubt as to whether or not my hard work would impress anyone at my placement locations. I doubted whether or not my hard work was even acceptable as hard work, unsure if the type of work I would be doing was actually easier for others than myself.

I found it incredibly challenging on my first day to stocktake. I remember wandering the little pharmacy at least a hundred times, and I damn well assure you I'm not exaggerating this value! My brain just didn't function that way, it was incredibly hard to spatially remember where everything was, remembering whether or not it was next to this or that. This tasks should seem simple to me right, considering left handers are all spatially gifted I was thought to believe, but it was difficult, and I'd have to say, one of the most frustrating things I have ever had to do in my life!


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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