
O, my goodness. I'm so hyped up on the C-feine that I'm having trouble staying focused on the task at hand; that being, my four weeks worth of lectures I need to learn for my mid semesters which so happen to start tomorrow.

It really doesn't help being so bloody cold as well, fingers frozen and being a pretty laxed out day in general. Maybe I should turn off the beats playing in the background but it's my study break (going onto an hour now) so stuff it.

There is a lot coming in the next couple of weeks. Not only have examinations, assignments and uni related what not arrived and still coming soon after that, life seems to be rushing me in these next closing months of the year. Have I been looking forward to it, hells yeah, am I overwhelmed, you bet! Feeling slightly nervous and excited at the same time but I've been waiting for this moment for so long.

Come at me life. I stand ready, pretending to be that is.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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