Why we cry

It's hard to believe that everyone, one day will die. Yes, what a blog starter I know, especially with the number of current events, much closer than they seem; (maybe a reason for my current blogging), but life cannot be without death. Physically, our bodies are made by the earth so it's just eventual that we are returned to it. Like the fundamental laws of science, you just can't create something out of nothing (higgs boson?).

But apart from our carbon atoms dispersing and giving back the energy it took to make us, why is it that it's so hard to accept life as a cycle. Why is life attached with so many emotions, feelings and intangible things which make it so hard for one to let go.

Why with only death, are we reminded of how good someone was, or how someone will be dearly missed. It really would be difficult to imagine not seeing someone you loved or even someone you don't, ever ever again. How hard it would be to be in someone else' shoes to have lost someone; makes me a little pessimistic about why we are even here.

But in life, if anything else apart from giving back to mother nature, should be giving back to the people. A life fulfilled is a life lived to make a difference to others. For all those who have been lost physically, may you forever be alive within those people who stand.

I will strive for a life fulfilled, because for too long, I have taken life for granted.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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