19. Graduate from University. Completed!

O, Mai Gaaah. I can't believe I actually finished! Well technically, I haven't graduated but all went well with assessment and the hard few years (more than a few) have finally paid off. It's interesting to see how far I've gotten since I first started this blog which began nearing the beginning of my studies. I shared how I dropped out of uni to start it back up again and then shared how life has it's twists and turns and I ended up doing pharmacy.

The journey seems like it only began not so long ago but in noticing the side panel of my blog, it was in 2006 when I started this bloody thing. 2006! That was nearly six years ago! Having a quick browse to see what I was on about all those years ago, it does seem that a little bit of what I used to be has changed. I seemed so carefree regardless of all the problems associated with work, girls and everything in between that I didn't realize it would be the last time I would ever enjoy being young without repercussions.

In saying that though, life really wouldn't be the same if you didn't make mistakes along the way, which I definitely did as you can see from a number of my posts (probably most of them!). I've seen how the mood of my posts have shifted through the years, a lot of sombre feelings but yet, in between the darkness are still those little glimpses of light. Without them, I'm certain I would not have gotten as far as I have.

It kind of feels like the end yet on the other hand, I don't think it's really started. An end to one journey, and to the next step to another. I don't start full-time work until next week so the past two weeks have been all about relaxing. Still working the same old shifts at the sixer and the 'vale with the pharmacy work filling in the gaps but really enjoying the spare time I've got on the days off and any other time I can squeeze out of the day.



''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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