hey guys, would love to wish you all a very very lucky, healthy, wealthy and enjoyable chinese new year. had a real awesome time tonight going over to cho tet (new year festival gathering in inala) and stuffing our faces with the popular nem nuong (baked meatballs), bo la lot (beef wrapped in leaf) and washing it all down with some nuoc mia (sugarcane drink). it was a pretty good feed ay. we pretty much just went to the festival to keep our stomaches full before popping over to the temple for some praying and firecracker and lion dancing watching. it feels good stepping into temple again after so long. was just good in general being able to pay respects to our elders and heavenly guardians. was a very great night indeed. got my fortune told on a piece of paper as well...really hope it does come true cause it doesn't sound too bad ay. we waited for the new year to arrive at midnight and headed over to to pick up mark and reagan to see how we would spent our first ours of chinese new year. we drove around for a while hoping to play some pool but the owners too had better things to do. we decided to hang out at kangaroo point in which we were mosotly occupied with our fortune tellings, quangs farting and a "who can run fastest" race. hahahaha, take it easy guys, have a real good one.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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