yay, yet another lunar year is nearly about to commence. i'm excited ay. excited as, hopefully if my fortune teller is right, this year to come will be my year; well better than the year that is about to end anyways.

i can see good changes happening already. i love my job ever so much more, i love seeing my mates heaps regularly now, i'm loving and looking heaps forward towards my new year studies; i just can't wait for the year to actually start ay.

gyming has been heaps awesome lately and i can feel it's just going to get better. with kerwin trading places with bondy in melbourne, bondys homecoming has pushed me even more harder. we're already adding an extra 30 kilos to squats and completing full sets of 12. i was happy as, i can see results.

i'm officially a student of qut. bondy and justine took me around campus yesterday and showed me the places to be. i grabbed my id while i was there and alot brought back memories of studying down in otago. i really can't wait to study. cheers heaps to ming for getting me started, lending me his notes from last semester and saving his books for us to buy for the year to come. damn, if i don't get a good gpa, i don't know what else will.

i've really got to commit myself this year. i know it's pretty late for a new year speech or something similar but there's just an urge in me to do well this year. i reckon it's my year this year. i really really reckon.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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