mr responsible

yeaaaaah, 3:24, 2 days from start of exams and i'm pretty stuffeed ay. let me see, ever since my last post, i've upd the dosage of caffeine from that one can or redbull to 2 no dozes and a jug of coffeeeee. i give myself regular lie down sessions and drink plenty of water...i guess if you gotta cram, ya gotta do it sensibly ay (could of been more sensible during the semester by going to lectures and not sleeping in). i guesss what's done is dooone.

i can't fail any of these this term ay....figured out i need at least two 6s and two 5s to get into what i want; my chances are real slim but i still gooot hope. there are 4 exams but the 3 on my mind atm are the consecutive ones which start on the tuesday, anatomy is pretty much sussed out, i've spent alot of my time revising it so i'm pretty confident ay, chemistry is going sorta alright. i finished catching up all my lectures just a few hours back and have beeen relaxing a bit, there doesn't seem to be anything tooo crazy, it's all just concepts but there are a few things which will be stink trying to remember and i reckon i'm gonna get a boo boo trying to study for cellular molecular.

maaaaan, my second no doz isn't going down tooo good for some reason. it's making ma gut feel real....icky ay. hahahaha, we'll just seee in a few minutes whether i get a heart attack or not. i hope not ay. but yeah, i reckon i'm pretty pro at cramming, i promise myself every exam period that i will never cram ever again. i bet everyone does that ay, i just want the holidays to be here finally. after next thursday it's gooone be sweeet, got a few days to study for physiology then even more sleeeep depreviation; i'm hoping to not sleep for another week after that so i can go fishing and do whatever i feeeel cleaning up the shed out the back. yeaaaah, that will turn me on.

only cooool people drink water, do you want to be a loser? rehydrate yourself...stay cooooool


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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