te hee hee heeeee

i'm on my first red bull tonight (cut off the v, they reckon it gives ya cancer) and on my 10 minute, (15 now) break from study. i had a goood sleep last night ay, got home earlier than usual cause i got changed to the vale for the saturday shift. it was the a pretty cool shift, having absolutely nothing to do other than talk shit with the super, ross and jodie. i've never seen the nightclub so empty ever!

i'm up to my 2nd lecture now and hoping to finish it all pretty well before 3 tonight, feel like sleeping a bit ay. we had a real choice time at ross's b'day bbq yesterday. had a real mean one over at the park near his place. martin, jimmy, tien ma sis and bondy all chipped in to get him mean gifts; a tacho and shift light for his car, a trd sticker and a car wash kit which i hope he loves.

we got to the park just before ross unloaded his stuff so we helped him set everything up. his sisters rolled the bbq down from the house and people started to arrive. farout everyone came ay! it was a choice as day, i reckon ross had heeaps of fun! happy birthday again brother. after a bit of rugby and having hien slip on concrete giving him a good one on his elbows, we decided to take a break from the insanity of brisies spring weather (it would of been a good 30 i reckon!).

jimmy made an appearance with his boosted civic and ross shat himself after going for a spin with him. after the sun started to ease off, a bit of basketball was played, we cleaned up, a few photos were taken and we all headed home to grab a shower and head for a few games of dota.

it was mean fun, just check out the photos!

*stink...won't let me upload photos!*


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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