icky sticky

the feeling of change seems to be lurking just around the corner tonight. i can feel it creeping up on me but although as much as i want to, i just can't seem to embrace it with open arms. that icky sticky feeling is still swirling around in my stomach, (ya know, like that antacid ad on tele). it was a bad day today, well, just not as productive as any other day in the previous week which makes me a bit sad; knowing that every minute means something these days.

i did manage to wake up before my alarm at 7:30 today which was a real good feeling and got some pretty important things done like fixing the dripping bath tap and putting away the tools to an obvious enough place for me to find next time i need to do anyy fixerupering.

today i experienced first hand that persistance again always prevails, fixing the tap today took a mere 5 minutes compared to the first time i tried it for a good few hours and got shocking results. the stupid bell screw last time didn't budge but after a week and coming back to it, sitting there thinking, selecting the right tool and with the correct technique of the the grip, the thing came off like a charm. i reckon me looking at the tap did the job, it got scared ya see.

just finished dinner now and continuing to finish off this post. i'm not quite sure what else there is on my mind but i still feel stink for breaking another promise today tho. hate it when i break promises especially the ones i promise justine. man i feel stink ay but when holidays come round i promise i'll go to soo many meetings u'll get sick of seeing me. hahaha. i gotta go and keep my other promise, the one to study for this last and final quiz for physiology...last prac tomorrow. yeeeeaahhh!


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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