my to do list

today was a moderately productive day. woke up from a refreshing nights sleep (it was awesome sleep actually, i haven't slept that hard for a good few days now) planning to study hard anatomy for the end of years but ended up lazing around yet again for a good few hours. i did find some pretty sick sites which would be choice as to chill at between the mid study breaks (something relaxing as well as keeping your brain stimulated). check out and which gives you good read articles and blogs (not better than this of course) and it lets you choose categories of interest which gives advice on pretty much everything ay.

4 hours of browsing (solid effort) and my room smells started to make me feel lightheaded so i decided to get some fresh air until i noticed i hadn't washed cola for about half a year now (ya know it when you touch her fur and like u get that icky sticky dirty feeling). threw her in the bathtub (there's no way else she would get in there!) and washed her down twice ay; the first time i rinsed after soaping her, the water ran down brown! she's all nice and fluffy now, i reckon i did a good job.

after actually accomplishing something productive, i decided to fix mums leaking toilet downstairs. apparently the float valve that was broken fixed itself and somehow i managed to break it again. instead of water dripping because there was too much water, the float valve started leaking cause i cracked it. mum gave me a few, and after, i replaced the whole thing. i reckon i did well ay, never thought i could actually fix anything. i turned off the mains water, released the water pressure by the nearest tap, drained the toilet water, unscrewed the float valve and replaced it with a new and improved one (man luckily after scavenging through dads shed the other day, i found a brand new one), turned back the water main and bam, a professional job...something i reckon i could actually pay for. hahahah! mum was proud.

i've been on my second v now and it's worn off but i'm trying not to go to bed yet. i actually did do some study today but not much to be satisfied with. hahaha. i'm trying a new way to help me get to sleep by spending at least an hour after study doing something relaxing and completely irrelevant to anything i studied. they (some website) reckons ya shouldn't go to sleep right after anything mentally stimulating, i don't know why but i'm gonna try it ay, whatever helps me get better sleep i'm in ay. but yeah, i'm off to find something insteresting to do now. catch ya!


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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