
continuing my little rant after coming back from a bit of study, why is it that people (me) cannot commit to a simple few hours of study. i'm not quite sure what's wrong with me but the few hours since my last post, after finishing my physiology catch up, i decided to take a little break and open up my biochem prac book and finish the prac i just completed today which is due next monday. why is it that something (prac) which i would not even start to touch until the day before it's due can be a substitute for much needed study revision for my exams in the next few days. kind of reminds me of that simpsons episode where bart would rather do algebra than start writing about his history paper.

nonetheless, i guess doing my biochem and getting it out of the way gives me more opportunity to work on other study and not havomg to worry about it later on; i reckon i'll be stoked as hit sunday when i realise that i've already completed the prac. my exams start thursday and end on saturday morning, yay. i've still to touch maths, which i'll probably glance over in the next few minutes after this post and pharmacology is really starting to shit me off; not that it's boring or anything, there's just so much workload.

having the next two days off uni is pretty cool though, i reckon i'll have a read around on maths now and start revising for it tomrorow morning doing some questions. i'll probably hit up physiology and have a good read of pharmacology while i'm at it. by wednesday i'll hopefully would of done most of my maths and be able to revise it for my exam. thursday i'll finish off pharmacology and friday night i guess without work i'll be able to study physiology....hopefully it all works out.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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