my morning

my tolerance for caffeine has probably increased from 100mgs to a 250mg dosage; equivalent to my 3 cans of redbull and the no-doz i just popped (i re-read the label from the thai redbulls and they're only able to produce 50mg per serve which isn't tooo flash). but i'm actually feeling alright though ay. the first lecture for physiology was pretty cruisy, especially when most of it was assessed last year in cellular molec but still, there leaves three more to go.

taking a break from study for a little while longer, i just came back from outside to get some much needed fresh air. it's soo stuffy inside here but it's much too cold to open any windows; i'll probably go and open the door in the kitchen just to get some air in here. it was good standing there on the back verandah, hands leaning on the rails which guide down the stairs, watching the moon shine brightly behind a cloudy sky, the slight breeze making my right cheek slightly colder than my left. it felt much like the experience i got from that meditation thing i talked about last night, where your in complete calmness. something i wanted to share.

buble's playing in the background from youtube and as much as it makes me want to jump around the lounge room and sing rockstarringly his lyrics, the orange laboratory manual for medical physiology seems to beam it's mesmerizing powers onto me, penetrating and controlling my own thoughts, i must study, i must study now.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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