
man, WHY was i stupid enough to accept a shift for the vale tonight? with exams just round the corner (well, it's much more than around the corner), i still can't figure out what made me want to work tonight. i think it may have been the fact that working tonight gives me only 2 or so days to study for my oral exam on tuesday and that that pressure gives me some urgency to study. it's pretty stupid i know, but that's just how it works for me, the stress of being under pressure.

i seriously can't wait till saturday 15; here we come holidays.

till then all i can say is, here we come the infinitable amounts of v, red bull, and any other type of caffeinated beverages/ pills/ powders and the many hours of missed sleep.

to the counselling on tuesday 4, physiology on saturday 8, pharmacology on monday 10, pharmacokinetics on friday 14 and pharmacy practice on saturday 15 ..... fuck you, nah....


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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