7.27, 7.26, 7.25...

so the timer is slowly counting down. it's already at 5 minutes 17 seconds so i've gotta try and get this done pretty quick. it's my little time again where i'm trying to cram as hard as i can and minimise my relaxing time to a real bare mininmum (15 minutes). it's pretty ironic considering i could of had as much relaxing time as i wished if i had studied long before the 2 days until exams but like i said before, stress makes me awesome (well i meant that anyways).

im feeling pretty confident ever since completing my first exam tuesday morning. i felt pretty stupid monday night when all i could think of was just why i had accepted that shift over at the vale (which was a good change of pace though mind you) and having that eventful weekend down the coast could of been good time to study and now, the night before my exam (that i had to pass mind you; had to pass all pieces of assessment to pass the unit) im on my arse, head cocked forward and back hunched over the endless lecture notes i had printed trying to memorise the counselling regime and side affects of vaginal candidiasis and tinia.

dressed in a polo ralph button up dark green shirt, tucked into my slacks, belt buckle seen, pointy shoes shined, i walked in, and then out of the examination room incredibly happy that the exam wasn't as hard as i had put it out to be. i got to council two females whom did have vaginal thrush but i reckon i excelled in that one anyways.

anyways, hopefully my confidence from that exam can pull me past these next few. two more days until my next exam and i'm not toooo overly scared. read all my notes for physiology and hoping to go through them again after this post. i'll start of pharmacology tonight as well and hopefully after smashing those lectures, i'll begin to do questions on physiology. tomorrow night, i'll be able to hopefully have a few hours of sleep and then here we come you little piece of exam shit. i can't wait till the 15th. why can't you come any faster....please don't come any faster,,,,,,


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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