in trying

to update this thing, it's taken me a good 4 or so which has resulted in a mere addition of a few recent photos to the slide application (this was actually done last night). the majority of the 4 hours or so was spent on trying to add those little numbers to the side of your archives to indicate how many posts were made in that month. the urge for it came from viewing a few of my other mates blogs (damn, has the blogwar actually begun) where their new, update versions of templates showed that the litlte feature was quite a nifty one.

having come across the new templating update before, i decided to finally set my past aside and welcome the new with open arms hoping that it would prove to be as good as it was put out to be. it wasn't, well not really. maybe being still stuck in the past, the old blogger allowed much more modifaction in my opinion. i mean, there is always html there but why modify html when i can do so using my old template? but i guess with the bad also comes some good, especially with the easy modification of "most popular" lists and applications.

in the end, although not "completely" reverting to the past, i've been able to save all that i've changed and hopefully (although with much of my hatred for the new system), i'll be able to get the new and updated nufinspecial up in a few days. wish me luck.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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