rain rain go away, come again

in a few more days when i feel like a good sleep. i guess the rain isn't all that bad, sitting in front of the tele watching iron man (for the second time, and yes being an overnighter i was unable to return it on time) with the gang; janice and martin, while the rain falls heavily, and the wind blowing hard, seems to set quite a cosy feeling. as cola shivers, a result of her dreaming, and felt under my smelly work feet, and the warm yellow rays of light from the lounge room lamp cast upon the wall beside it and the left side of martins' face, it reminds me of the exact moment last year when we did this same thing.

all that can be seen outside are the slow drips of rain drops as they slide down the glass opposite me. the distorted painting of the outside world shows of diagonal rain, the leaves, and twigs, and trees swaying upon their contact with gail force winds lying against a backdrop of an orange coloured canopy of street lights and train station spotlights.

the sound of rain, mixed with the sound effects of the final battle between good iron man and bad iron man, can be heard blarring out of the proximal stereo speakers. the smell of rain water, and janices fart and martins feet (yeah, they won't read this until they're at home anyways) only a sniff away explains exactly how chilled and relaxed everything seems to be.

i actually don't mind this. i just hope that we don't spend all of our final to be days before uni starts watching movies and chilling out, and relaxing. i actually don't mind either way really.


  1. Janice Trieu said...

    LOL You are such a dick. And a liar. I'm pretty sure it was you farting the whole night and I know it! Cuz I was sitting right next to your stinky ass...

  2. 2ruong said...

    lol you fag nut. i so do not have smelly feet. pretty sure they were your feet

''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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