mmeean herd brew!

so again you get the drunk ly but it isn't too bad at the moment. just came back from martins 20th and i've got to say his 21st will be insane. this whole week has pretty much been chilling.

i had harry come by from melbourne monday arvo and we showed him our traditional market square hangings. after sassing some malay corner nasi goreng (mind you harry actually ordered mi goreng) we went home and harry rehearsed and did some background research for his to be interview the following day.

we hung for a little while and after harry fell asleep on the couch, we called it a night. waking up at 9:30 (holy damn, i've never seen the sun so low) we had a small feed and headed down the coast. having the interview be at 1:10, we got their at 1:00after i got a little lost; i think conrads was calling me.

i was able to sort out a few things while i was waiting for him. i called for an interview for my pharmacy allocations over in algester and after a bit of confusion from the pharmacy coorindator (it was more like the guy didn't know jack about what was happening) we agreed that i would come in on friday. i got to sort out insurance for the camry and write a good list of to dos. it sucks when you have like one chill day; it puts you completely off routine (i think i suffer from OCD, i just need to know what i've got to do, all the time).

coming back to brissie and having the weather actually be pretty good (no clouds, 30+ degrees) we headed home for a quick drink and went to pick up mana and simone whom had arrived at brissie airport.

it had been 2 and a half years since i had seen mana....


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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