my friend

i saw her today. as we walked through the parks in autumn, it reminded me of the movies. bright orangy brown leaves blowing, descending from above, while the cool air freezes lonely hands. ours connected, just to keep warm.

finger between finger, between finger, our hands burried deep within each others; no person could separate. as she pulled me towards her while we crossed the street, the smell of her hair, and the touch of her soft skin beneath her thinly lined dress made all senses active.

each step of mine, followed by the many claps of wooden heels on hard cement, told me to slow down; she didn't want to lose me, and i definately didn't want to lose her. she was a little quiet, but she talked when she needed to. it's funny how i often questioned how much we really knew about each other and that i would throw it out the window whenever she pressed words between her lips. i'ld ask if she were hungry, or if she were thirsty, or if she were tired, and would get a soft and gentle,
- 'only if you are'.

i liked the way her face went when she was concentrating or when she tried to be angry. i liked her lips, bright red from the cold. i liked her hair, dark starry black, tidy. i liked her eyes...i really liked her eyes.

i don't ever want to wake up.
but i did.
and now i miss her so much.


  1. 2ruong said...

    jesus bro, thats hard out. i started to get a lil teary hey :P lol

''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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