
i don't think i ever mentioned it but i completed one of my goals i set a few months back. after a physiology prac class on blood one afternoon, and finding out that either the blood pressure monitor i was using was dodge or that my bp reading was actually 150/100 i decided to see my doctor. 140/90 was what i was told and although the doctor didn't seem too fussed over it and offered me diuretics, i refused in hope to fix up my diet and do more exercise to lower it naturally.

i decided to go see a doctor a few days back having this stupid flu not go away (the headaches have been the worst!) and i guess it was also because my little sister was pretty sick as well; emetic spills i guess can't be compared to. i had some strange sudden want for diruretics that morning (maybe the flu put my self esteem down?) and an urgent need to lower my blood pressure; i think i thought that my bad flu had something to do with it, well i mean, the holidays just past, it's been a very good one filled with many oiled, everythings.

the doctor checked my body temperature and was a little shocked, as were my mum and myself when it read 40 (i'm keen to know what i would of been the many mornings i fevered up). he checked my blood pressure the normal way where i would feel as if my ceps would rip the thing apart. it was only after i asked what it was when he said my blood pressure was normal that i received a 130/80.

so even though its still a little high, i'm pretty stoked, well, i'm very very stoked that something i thought pretty impossible for myself to do, i actually achieved. to be truthfully honest, although i did limit my salt a bit, i think it was the copious amounts of water and the early gyming weeks did with martin which really pushed it down.

my goal by the end of this year in regards to reducing my blood pressure; lower it by 10 - 15mm Hg both systolic and diastolic.

cooooooool yeaaah.

3rd year begins

'ly wishes everyone a very happy new year, one filled with good health, good fortune and happy memories.

so, having typed such a similar greeting for the third time now, it's actually come to my attention that from what i thought was a small amount of time just passing, had in fact been nearly 2 and a half years. still remembering my first post as if it were yesterday, the years seem to fly by.

as i've mentioned before, this year will be one filled with being more productive, motivated and less angered. whether it be the new year of the lunar calander or ...'non lunar calander?' very little differs regarding my resolutions. i do however aim to get back in touch with my religious spiritual side where i wish to see the lighting of incense and praying not a chore but a want which will lead to a more cooler, calmer and composed ly.

i feel sort of well, at one in a sense. whenever the big 2-0 or the 2-1 arrives at the awaiting footsteps of mates, i always ask, does it feel any different, or do you feel any older? im always answered with a not really or feels the same to me. i feel at this point in my life, i do feel quite different. i can sense that this year, even though only 3 hours have past through it so far, will be a great one. it will be the year where life turns itself around and instead of standing around and waiting for it to come, i will be taken far far ahead.

this year will be mine and there's nothing anyone can do about it. smile,,,,


grammer, sentence structure and punctuation is to the shits in the last post. stuff the proof reading shit. tomorrow do i will.



farout me, it's already been 25 days since i last posted, bloody, that's pretty much a month yeah? so, to be truthfully honest, i really actually do feel that i've abided by some of my new years resolutions; even though i still feel like a lazy arse. work has left me battered and beat but i guess all is for the best, i mean, it just makes me want to go back to uni ever so much more and swear to find time to do those things i've always wanted in the future (hopefully work will not occupy most of the rest of my living years).

i guess not all of the past 25 days could be said to be occupied with work and doing stuff, i mean i can't really use much of it as an excuse for not blogging (geez it only takes a few minutes) but much has happened. recently, i took home my new beast of a car, a spanky sexy 94' accord to which has had a h22a transport. and yes, the motification bug has hit me bad, where my spare time is either beside, inside or under my car, or close by on the internet searching the vast forums for things to "do" to my car. it's been good to actually see my money go somewhere instead of having it disappear within the fiery confines of those that are call bills, interest and expenses. i mean, it may be the best thing to happen that could happen at this time. i'm a very happy man.

having being born in 1988 and equating to nearly 20 years ago since then, this year is my year, the year where 21st will take over my wallet, my liver and all my energy levels. since then, we've had a few to state the least. rickys on the 1st is still to be celebrated but like many other vietnamese this time of year (martin, lam) have jetted over to vietnam to spend the new year with family and friends. marks was a few weeks back and trungs and daniels a few days ago. it will be a very very busy year.

past few days have been pretty crazy, weather wise that is. mr sky has been concocting some kind of storm but has held on to it for ages, the time in which has left the soils and roads soaked in moisture and the humidity levels, only to be experienced can they be explained. why bother having a shower when your just going to be sweaty again once you put your shirt back on? it seriously doesn't help when mr sky begins to send mr rain down and my beast doesn't have any aircon; sends me into a kind of mr rage actually, not to mention intensly sweaty.

flicking through my little sachel; i've been carrying it for a while to store all my to do lists and spare paper, and i've found that ever since the holidays began, i've not written one, or two or even three for the fact to do lists, i've written five (nodd
s head) lists and to my amazement, much has been crossed out (even though some tasks are doubled). to make me feel a little better, i'll post all of them up in the next post, i love the satisfaction physically crossing stuff off once i'm done.

even with the intense heat, i've managed to gym a fair bit. we definately have to start gyming hard again once martin gets back. i dont' think i've ever really mentioned that martin and i were going hard; gyming that is you sick fks. he brought weights over and now instead of the ridiculous supersets of 50kgs, i'm able to slowly build up to what i'm supposed to be doing. i definately have seen a big improvment in my strength and energy levels but i guess i'll have to get back to yas in a few more weeks when motivation and determination begin to drop due to the plateuing effects that usually happen, or the over-training, or the pure laziness (which hopefully won't happen). i've searched through my posts to find that one gym post. found in posted june of 2007. what you reckon? has much changed?

June 2007

January 2009

i know one thing for sure, i've grown a fuk load of hair and gotten a hell shit blacker.

ohh well, here are a few photos that i've taken, hope you enjoy and i'll be back with an update very soon.

take care. peace.

so it's been just under an hour since the new year started. 2009 started off with the sound of my phone going 'bling' after receiving a message and the whooshing of my fan making it's normal sounds behind the couch which blows on me.

i'ld have to say, today, i guess has been one of the best new years eves' ever although you'ld never think it. a few hours back i was stoked-as to have finished work at the usual time and have it be for the last time of the year. having no real proper plan to enjoy the new year, i decided to pop by a few mates places and spend the new year whenever it came with whomever. thuys cancelled so it was over to kevins place to see a few of the a block fellas.

it was great seeing all the guys again, and im glad they felt the same when they all saw me. we caugh up barely and i needed to head over to logan where maybe 3 of my closer mates would be. unable to successfully contact any of them, it seemed as though fate would bring be back home to spend it with cola and mum.

it was a little strange spending new years by myself. i was actually looking forward to a night of drinking and partying since i hadn't in the past 3 years been anywhere near my mates as the clocked ticked over to 12. but the drive home alone, along the dark car-less road instead of making me depressed, actually gave me a slight sense of joy. despite the celebratory plans sort of equating to a fail, it ticked in my mind that in a few mere little 10s of minutes, 2009 would be here and bring with it a new year, another few more blank pages of life to be filled in. while sitting in the lounge room, sticky from the humidity and tripped out by the scenes of moulin rouge in front of me, i reflect on how the year just passing, had panned out and whether i'ld do anything different this year.

the year that had just past, brought along with it many memories both good a bad. to be truthfully honest though there are only a few things i actually do regret this year. the first would have to be my laziness. even though the first half of the year was occupied with much work and university, the second was far from anything that i'ld regard acceptable. i definately regret making excuses so regularly particularly when its for my laziness. this year would of been much more productive if i hadn't overthought everything. i actually plan to be a little less angry this coming year as well.

but like ever other post i make when the time seems like an appropriate time to turn things around, hopefully from today, or sometime coming in the next few weeks, i will try and be more productive, less angry, more motivated, active and fill this year with many more memories both good and bad. i hope to mend my broken relationships and further enhance my steady ones.

i wish you all a very happy and safe new year. nufinspecial will be bigger and better today.

''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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