3rd year begins

'ly wishes everyone a very happy new year, one filled with good health, good fortune and happy memories.

so, having typed such a similar greeting for the third time now, it's actually come to my attention that from what i thought was a small amount of time just passing, had in fact been nearly 2 and a half years. still remembering my first post as if it were yesterday, the years seem to fly by.

as i've mentioned before, this year will be one filled with being more productive, motivated and less angered. whether it be the new year of the lunar calander or ...'non lunar calander?' very little differs regarding my resolutions. i do however aim to get back in touch with my religious spiritual side where i wish to see the lighting of incense and praying not a chore but a want which will lead to a more cooler, calmer and composed ly.

i feel sort of well, at one in a sense. whenever the big 2-0 or the 2-1 arrives at the awaiting footsteps of mates, i always ask, does it feel any different, or do you feel any older? im always answered with a not really or feels the same to me. i feel at this point in my life, i do feel quite different. i can sense that this year, even though only 3 hours have past through it so far, will be a great one. it will be the year where life turns itself around and instead of standing around and waiting for it to come, i will be taken far far ahead.

this year will be mine and there's nothing anyone can do about it. smile,,,,


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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