
i don't think i ever mentioned it but i completed one of my goals i set a few months back. after a physiology prac class on blood one afternoon, and finding out that either the blood pressure monitor i was using was dodge or that my bp reading was actually 150/100 i decided to see my doctor. 140/90 was what i was told and although the doctor didn't seem too fussed over it and offered me diuretics, i refused in hope to fix up my diet and do more exercise to lower it naturally.

i decided to go see a doctor a few days back having this stupid flu not go away (the headaches have been the worst!) and i guess it was also because my little sister was pretty sick as well; emetic spills i guess can't be compared to. i had some strange sudden want for diruretics that morning (maybe the flu put my self esteem down?) and an urgent need to lower my blood pressure; i think i thought that my bad flu had something to do with it, well i mean, the holidays just past, it's been a very good one filled with many oiled, everythings.

the doctor checked my body temperature and was a little shocked, as were my mum and myself when it read 40 (i'm keen to know what i would of been the many mornings i fevered up). he checked my blood pressure the normal way where i would feel as if my ceps would rip the thing apart. it was only after i asked what it was when he said my blood pressure was normal that i received a 130/80.

so even though its still a little high, i'm pretty stoked, well, i'm very very stoked that something i thought pretty impossible for myself to do, i actually achieved. to be truthfully honest, although i did limit my salt a bit, i think it was the copious amounts of water and the early gyming weeks did with martin which really pushed it down.

my goal by the end of this year in regards to reducing my blood pressure; lower it by 10 - 15mm Hg both systolic and diastolic.

cooooooool yeaaah.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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