deja vu part 2

so i've re-read my last post and im still pretty confused.

i think what i was going at was that it's just so hard to let go of the past especially when parts of it are still existent today. not that it's a bad thing or anything don't get me wrong, it's just, days today are always referred back to the days back then. i mean, once you've reached the epitome of awesome once, going back there again isn't all that, well, awesome is it?

when i was brought back in time with one of the songs that shaped my teen years, back back in the day, it just made me realise how much i've held my life together with the old un-sticky pieces of faded tape that was once used to hold together friendships of epic proportions. i guess with most things sticky, once they lose their stickiness, no matter how much you try, its pretty much impossible to restick or even lick those things back on, and even if you do manage to, it's only time till the thing bloody falls back off again.

but i think i need to, well, replace the sticky tape in my life as well as finding other things to stick my life to. i need to make better the friendships i have now and like said with non-sticky pieces of faded tape, replace or get rid of the friendships which were once but now no more (why hold onto old friendships where it seems only one side still gives a crap, a little biased i know).

it's harder said than done, i guess it's just human to hold onto what we can't have.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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