mid semesters

i find it quite funny that the only period where there is an increase in outflow of blogging posts is during times where i'm the most busiest; during exams. yes, i do have an exam tomorrow, and yes, i am up trying to cram for it.

i actually, as much as i regret to finally subduing to the words said by my little sis that 'i would regret playing dota saturday night/ sunday morning, i actually 'do' regret it now, sort of. i'm taking a good break now considering i've been on my 3rd v tonight (i know, i know, nothing compared to back in the day). i've memorised word for word (and yes, i do also understand the processes and not just the words) 2 lectures and hopefully the next two (which are alot shorter mind you) will just flow as into my head as easily as my eyes stay open,,,hahah good luck ay?

i think i need another v break, i'll be back, hopefully with my heart still beating within my body cavity.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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