The ghetto-ness of chance.

I've come to accept that everything happens for a reason. Despite this, what still puzzles me is why some happenings only happen to certain people. I don't understand the reasoning behind how luck or fate works but I can confirm that the spinning arrow of chance usually lands on me.

A quick wiki search came up with a list of cognitive biases which may describe my mental behavior but even though my mind might make more connections through coincidences of random life happenings, and it's neglect on the rather 'good' moments in life, I still reckon that classing them as coincidences just doesn't really explain it. Confused? I am.

Let me give you a few examples. As I've blogged about recently, the boat progress has been going on at quick pace. We completed her last Tuesday after I got her registered and finalized a few other little things. Our main run in was scheduled for Sunday that week over at the port of Brisbane but being so excited that we finished the boat ahead of time, we planned a pre-launch the following night.

Martin and Phuc got first dibbs for the first launch which was to take place at 9:30pm after Phuccie had finished work that night. Martin invited Paul to go for a fish as they both finished uni together at 6:30 and would have time to head home, grab a feed and then get ready. Everything was just coming together; we just never realize that tomorrows fate would just make things seem like they were supposed to happen.

Fate got the best out of all parties the next morning when I finished my morning prac early and both Phuccie and Martin and Paul decided that they skip work/ uni that afternoon; I received their phone messages shortly after I had finished my prac class. We did the final checks on the trailer and boat safety gear and we were off to the Brisbane River, the first run of the white beast, it's resurrection after the 5 or so years of us sitting around wishing we had a boat to go fishing in; my dream, our dream.

To be continued....


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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