A little hecKtiC

Most of us started the QUT university year last week however due to my laziness in attending lectures, it started this week when I attended my first tutorial for the year. It's been a pretty hectic year so far, disregarding the fact that I've only got 2 subjects this term, keeping up with uni and juggling the two jobs I've kept since last year as well as my vast amount of interest in pretty much everything has been pretty full on.

It's always the little things which add up that take most of your time away. The hour or so long allocation I give to centrelink every Monday lets me question whether it's actually worth the 60 or so bucks they give me. I hate being there, especially when I know half the people standing in line with me don't actually need it; beggars can't be choosers hey?

I think most of my time is spent traveling to places. The hour or so trip it takes to get to uni in the morning is absolutely terrible, considering it takes only a quarter of the time to get home. There's also work 5 days a week to and from work and the occasional trip to sunnybank for a feed or the gym for a workout.

With time such a restraint this past week, I'm left wondering why I've gotten so much more done with such limited free time. Holidays flew by occupied by work 5 days a week and sleep probably took up a major part of the free time left over. We've hit the gym more than we had during holidays and Phuccie and I worked on the boat for the first time since holidays started; we finished it in 2 half days of work.

I seems like this year is slowly kicking off. Can't wait to see what happens in the next couple of weeks. Hopefully I'll learn to time manage more effectively and tick more of those blooody goals off. Ciao


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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