
So we are in full stride at the moment. Mid semesters are just around the corner (next week in fact, so more around the corner than I actually thought) and before you know it, semester 2 will be about to begin.

If anyone told you the final year at uni will be cruisy as shit and over before you know, they are half right. Shits' coming so fast, I'm scared it will be over before I even get started. Lecture attendances have dropped down to about 94 or so percent which is still actually pretty good considering last year was about a 5. I really do thank God that I attended these lectures because if I didn't, I'd probably would of dropped out due to the stress I've felt so far.

Monday 9-1, Tuesday 9-5, Wednesday 9-5 and Thursday 9-4. It really doesn't matter how long the days are, but as you can see, the four days I have at uni all have one thing in common. 9 o'freaking, clock starts! Living pretty much on the shittest side of the southside, if I had the patience to wait for on the bus which leaves Acacia Ridge at 7:40 and takes an hour to get to southbank, I'd be late to every morning class. So I drive, and I park about 3 kilometers away from uni just so I don't get fined 100 bucks for over parking my 2 hour stay.

To get to my car park area, I have to get up before 7, and pack pretty much my life into my bag, (work, gym and my extras if I'm staying with the missus that night), my lunch because I'm a big boy now, make my breaky, have a shower, brush my teeth, do my hair and leave before 8. Thank fuck I have 2 minute showers. If the traffic is bad, I usually have to chuck on some skirllex and power the shit walk to uni or else I'll be that lonely guy that walks into a full theater in the middle of the lecture. I laugh at those guys.

It's a quarter semester crisis. Don't mind me, I'll be back to complain some more.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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