
I've been so stuck these holidays that it's been such a relief to get unstuck,...and stuck into my final year at uni.

I have to admit, it's a little strange saying that with such a positive attitude but given my second chance (third actually) I'm definitely not going to let this slip me by. It absolutely sucks having to sit a supplementary exam on the holidays. Then again, my holidays weren't really too evident with work, gym and all the other things in between them taking my holidays pretty much a long long way away from me. What sucks even more is that I needed to sit one, despite the fact that I received a 65 percent overall (71% after my supplementary exam) and still failed; due to course requirements. But that's all done and passed, sometimes being shit on isn't such a bad thing (sounds like a similar post I made last year?)

Sydney was a great break, as was the couple of days we had for Christmas and New Years but I guess with all the busyness, it's actually prepped me for the start of my forth year uni. Hectic is the only word that is needed to describe it so far. I'm getting kind of flustered with all the due dates, mass amounts of knowledge that we need to cram in and just work, gym, family and girlfriend, all wanting a part of my left over time. I cut work down a day which is going to be incredibly useful, definitely something I'm going to cherish. 9 o'clock starts four days a week, 5 o'clock finishes for three and work till 10:30 for two. Wow.

If someone were going to be able to do this, it definitely isn't going to be me.
It's going to have to be me.
38 hours of work a week, 30+ contact hours a week, 1 week down, 9 more weeks to go!


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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