Confused as crap

I've been kind of lost in my own thoughts these past couple of weeks. After the cyclone, water rising and black outs hit early last week, we were off to Melbourne to make up for the down time we missed, having to work pretty much ever since the last time we flew away.

The trip honestly was, not, long enough and I really do mean it. It really wasn't until the final day of the trip that I honestly felt like I was really enjoying it; I mean seriously, once you're sleep deprived with money stresses, university stresses and all other stresses muddling up your mind for the last few months, all I really wanted to do was rest!

When we arrived in Melbourne it was exactly how I remembered it. The weather was absolutely amazing. It was breezy, cool and just refreshing. We began the trip by driving down to Great Ocean Rd. Road works and the weather which turned into less than amazing, delayed our trip by an hour or so (I actually reckon we got lost!) but the drive down, being pretty carefree was none the less awesome.

When we reached the loch ard gord, it was ridiculously cold! We seriously had packed for summer and this weather, trumped even winter! Spending a whole 3 minutes outside of the car where we ran to the gord, took 3 photos and ran back, we headed to the 12 apostles.

The view was again, absolutely breathtaking, just as breathtaking as the first time we visited. It's just one of those views where you cannot get bored of. More than a few photos were taken and back into the car we got to trek to Apollo bay, our first stop off before the shopping began.

I miss New Zealand. I say this because Apollo bay was exactly like it! Much like Dunedin anyway. We settled into the 2 bedroom loft which we will definitely be visiting again. Even found some inspiration for our own home, it was a gorgeous little place to stay. But the gorgeousness did not settle until we walked briskly down to town to find dinner. At 8 o'clock with the sun just setting (it was daylight savings down there at the time), I noticed that the rolling hills and mountains which lined this little small city, the sounds of the waves (which were probably from New Zealand) crashing into the shore and the smell and feel of the air which all reminded me of the senses I had felt in Dunedin.

Walking the streets of this small modest town was a good relaxing way to start our trip. From the bite of the Cray fish papedelle at La Bimba (I keep calling it La Bimbo) to the early morning walk onto the beach which faced an absolutely endless sea, and the drive up along the most southerly coast of mainland Australia, it is an experience I believe will push me to seek many more experiences like these.

I love being alive.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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