Hold on.


Hello, wow, where do I start? This blogging all feels kind of new, especially since it's been a lifetime since the last time I posted.
I'm not sure why I haven't blogged more often, nor why I felt like blogging today. One thing I'm sure of is that I'm typing away, and no-one can stop me; even my own head screaming you're going to be late you S.O.B can't.
Yes, I am a pharmacist now; slash still a cook at the sixer, slash security officer at the vale (sigh, I did go back) and soon to be home owner, business owner and everything else above. Living the life you reckon. No. Just no. But life really feels like it's come full circle. Only months and months ago, was I the happiness man alive, being done and dusted with university, finally starting my career, and it was only months after this, that I thought fuck, is this really life?
But today, I am well. I am content to an extent that I feel all of my hard work, late nights and pissing off the girlfriend has evaluated to something. I'm nearly three quarters away from being a full fledge pharmacist, and from what I know, I know absolutely nothing; kind of comforting isn't it? But life throws at you many opportunities just as much sticks and stones, which breaks your bones?
The only reason why one fails to realise this is because they are too busy dodging. They live their lives planning ways to dodge these things, to be safe and never make use of the opportunities thrown towards them. What I've learnt in the past few months, or more or less, what I've chosen to do, is to let those sticks and stones hit me; then pick them up and throw them back twice as far. You never get hit by the same sticks twice and if you do, you really haven't thrown it far enough.

There will be some sticks too big to handle, too big to throw. But those are the ones you deal with, every day, step by step and by the time you realise, you'll have to run back to where it first hit you.

Every day is a battle, but with every battle, there is a victory regardless. I learnt the hard way, feeling as though I made too many mistakes, but when I look back, not one mistake too many. Haha, some philosophical shit huh?

Think about it. Over and out


The Pharmacist/ Cook/ Security Officer Ly.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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