back from a break

hey all. yes i know it's been a while since my last post but nothing "too" interesting has happened since then. haven't done too much since then other than humiliating ourselves at the driving range and going to our "secret" fishing spot which because of our drought has pretty much left us with no water to fish. nonetheless, everything seems to be going pretty alright, well problems are in the proccess of being solved so it's a real good start. work has slightly gotten more boring or maybe i just can't be stuffed trying to make it more fun....yippie. hahaha, i think i've solved family and friends ay; not really but what's done or not done is working good for me so yeah, it doesn't seem too bad. life in general is up at just above average at the moment. for once i don't have to worry about anything. i'm actually working towards my goals on my list now. life right now other than be slightly better if i won the lotto is pretty sweet ay. i'm happy but i think it's probably got to do with my exercising everyday making me less grumpy. exercise releases endorphins, try it sometime. i'll probably publish this draft now just for those who actually visit this thing to have something to read. i'll blog more when i wake up hopefully. take care. ciao


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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