yeah i've been cramming heaps of stuff in lately, mostly because of mums going to vietnam and uni starting just around the corner. i don't think i've done too bad, hopefully i'll get the few things left over done by the end of this month. if not, i guess there's always the next.

finish cloudstreet
step up and look after my cat
check up for my hecs-help
make a food and supplements chart
make gym measurements and record
put council dog tabs on collar
clean the rest of the house
buy more connecting wires for home cinema
fix the lawn mower and mow the lawn
advertise the boats
burn phuc house and step up
start looking over science notes
visit marius
post more pictures on blog
ring qhss and ask for pay slip
update and post completed goals
buy fish for the fish tank
buy flowers for the garden
check for council pickup times on junk


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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