the new year cont.

while standing at the back door of the brunswick hotel and keeping an eye on the drunk people counting down the seconds to the new year, i started to reminisc about all the significant things which happend this particular year and not any other previous years. the first memory which came to mind was the start of last year. i remember watching the fireworks, bright red ones, lighting up the skies. i remember my exact thoughts and feelings i had the second the clock counted down to 2006, the second it ticked over. i felt as if i had everything. my carefree friends were among me, my family were only a few kilometres away and the thought that it's only just getting closer to the time i begin my next step in life. the words of the song far away was repeated and my memories of the day i left australia for a new home flashed within my mind. instantly my memories of new zealand were summoned. i remember sitting in my tiny room alone, and then the time i had about 10 massive blokes cramped inside. other than those i've already discussed, the only other memories that were remembered were those not worth remembering but i guess it's better to not take things back from the past.

alot of people compare themselves now to themselves exactly one year ago. i can see that i've grown in so many ways. (im pretty sure i've talked about it heaps of times already). i can see my impatience though has started to degrade as well as my tolerance levels but i'll try my best to improve them this year. things which have changed in relation to friends and family, well has changed alot. those who i were close to the start of last year, seem to have dissapeared and those who i never thought i would be close to have been there for my toughest times. time really does show truth, but i guess that's just how life is. my loving family is nothing short of dogshit (i really am not exaggerating) but like a friend told me, respect, respect, respect, so i guess that's all i can really do. i guess i can appreciate the "few" happy times we all had together. although i'm in no position to say that life at the moment is great or wonderful, i guess i am happy on how things turned out this year. if happenings didn't occur this year, i don't think i would of learnt how to be strong and motivate myself on my own through the tough times.

it's been a great year, i hope this year although it has already begun with a few mishaps, will be a year i'll look back and say, whoa, it was a great year. i hope you all have a great one as well. no regrets.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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