2:21am, one week later

after that little fishing trip, i rested hard till work began early on the wednesday for origin. the blues won *yay*, the maroons won the series *boo* but all in all, the night out at the vic wasn't too bad. thursday was folllowed by a good lazy day out at the muddy where myself and the super played pool and sudoku all night, it was a good bludgy night where good behavioured people sat and stared at pokies machines. friday was cruisy, like every other friday cause i was at the vale. i love the vale! had a cruisy ass 10 o'clock start saturday morning which dragged on untill 6 at the races. the corinda on the other hand was a different story with my super and i wrestling and getting a few guys arrested. bloody drunk people. just why i don't understand?

took the 15minute trip over to the alex from the corinda and evicted a few there. nothing really special ay, the week was pretty much one full of work so didn't really see much of the guys. my little sisters b'day was on the monday, got her a wii and a phone plan which i hope she likes. we chilled out on the tuesday with a few of the boys, about 20 of so ex-state highs which was a good turn up. played a little ball which was awesome and did the old school kfc dinner afterwards. brought back alot of the good times ay; nothing much has changed.

and yeah, it's been a pretty boring holidays so far actually. i've spent a few days just fixing things around the house and cleaning up but that's about it. sent a few of the otago boys e-mails so that was pretty choice, actually trying to keep in contact ay. anyways, i'll try and post later on in the week, i'm stuffed now, just came back from quangies playing a little bit of poker and wii. wii gets ya tired i tell ya. take care people.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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