yeah, that nrb stuffed me ay. i reckon the marker of the exam is going to shred up my paper after he looks at it. ohh well, it's holidays!

yeah, did the usual dota for a few hours after it cause was way too stuffed to do anything else, had a few late nights before hand to study for the exams. it was good to catch up with a few. we went fishing down over at charlies place for a bit (it was more like driving around than fishing). didn't catch a single thing so jumped over to west end for a bit which was stupid as. the temperature was probably around a low 4 or so and windy as ay. phuccie caught an eel and i caught a stupid catfish. duration stayed = about 8 minutes.

we headed down to thuys at the coast on the wednesday which was pretty fun. didn't do too much other than have a good feed (wasn't too good cause we were all still hungry as), and ross and i played on the computer while the others drank a few and played monopoly and pictionary.
we went home early on the thursday morning and i think i just slepted all day.

that thursday i think i just slept but can't be too sure. had work on the thursday which was heaps fun cause pete and i got to sit around playing sudoku, watching tv and shooting pool all night. it was mean as cause they kept us in till 2:30 as well, good pay for doing not much. hahaha

friday was a pretty fun day. i think we saw janice today, and went to play a bit of bowling with her and he little sis. ross and kerwin were there. (i hate it when i gotta try to remember stuff). had work and it was terrible. well it was good but we had terrible trouble. ripping people apart, grabbing shirts, taking hits; it wasn't too bad, just alot of dickhead drunk dudes who wouldn't leave. 16 evictions i think, 2 physical which isn't nearly that bad. had a good feed afterwards, bought myself a good tub of protein, synergy 5 it's called. gives u an 84% count of protein and probably about 3 percent carbs which is pretty sick for me. its cheap cause it's not a really well known brand but who gives a crap, it's good enough for me.

saturday i worked at sunbar and it was crappy. boring, crappy crowd, crappy venue, not really but it just wasn't my type of place ay. im not too much of a valley or city guy ay, just can't work those places ay.

we went fishing sunday night and brought back a feast. between phuccie, paullie and i we brought home eskys and buckets of 20 bream all up, measuring probably at around the half kilo to 700 grams each. it was sick as. kerwin and ricky didn't have too much luck although kerwin did bring up an undersized mangrove jack. ricky never got to reel in his line with a sinker and hook still attached.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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