bloody sick and tired

yeah im bloody sick and tired of this ay. hate the flu. i reckon that last weight session i had 3 days ago completely wrecked any of my immune system i had left defending this bloody virus. it hasn't been all that bad though; hanging around at home, in bed or on the couch in front of the tv and mum believing that the only way i'm gonna get better is to feed me as much as i can, i reckon it's pretty cool to be sick once in a while (i get my abs exercises done as well with my constant contractions due to chest coughs.)

its not all glitz and glamour though. well i mean your mind starts to wonder and you sort of reflect and think about pretty much everything; well you can't really do too much else (i'm not one of those game playing sicks). some good sick bed ridden reflecting does the mind wonders but i think i'm at the stage where it's doing more harm than good (i've probably passed that staged 2 days ago). far, i hate it when i'm sick. weights, exercise or some good old afternoon staring at the grass in the paddock usually does me good when my minds been wondering too much or when life needs to be slowed down a little but ya know to stop the fat, it must be pretty bad. hahaha

actually, up until now in my post, i've pretty much felt alot better. blogging helped me rethink what i had to blog and i don't think it really is worth typing anymore, it would just be bitching about stuff now that i think about it. hahaha, i guess all i could say is life could be better, but it's good at the moment so i won't complain too much. take it easy people, thanks for hearing me out.

P.S. oi Thuy, i re-read that post, didn't mean it like u thought, hahaha, you think too much sorry if it sounded offensive. fat


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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