officially unsick

yeah man, i reckon i'm well enough to say i'm officially unsick; although my amoxillin doses are still continuing and i've been getting the runs a few hours later due to the side effects, i've been able to suppress my coughing to approximately once every 5 or so minutes. did my first gym session since last thursday and it wasn't too shabby; was able to finish a few sets of chest and triceps but it's been no where near the intensity i was hoping to achieve, none the less, it's still good to do some gym than none. i get to work this saturday which is a bummer but i guess it's not too bad, a few more hours of work i guess gives me a couple of bucks to add to savings. can't wait till my races shift for next wednesday. while you youngns are all out having fun at the ekka, i'll be at the races earning double time for standing around looking after drunk people. hahahaha

yeah....hahah martin just called and he wants to play some dota. i'll blog some more later tonight. ciao


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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