bored and wondering

yeah man, i''ve got abosolutely nothing to do but i feel soo occupied (yeah...that's why i'm blooogging) but yeah so far i've completed everything that needed to be done today. i've washed the car (did it 4:30 this morning cause it's probably about the only time i can do it), slept a good few, did some cardio, fixed my bike, vacuumed the car, cleaned my room, checked my e-mail and facebooked. there's a good hour or so before i have to get ready for work but for some reason todays not like other days where i complain of how lifes too boring or how lifes not boring enough. it's just, good today, i feel as though i'm actually living it now, maybe this is it?

john mayers playing in the background and i'm about to turn off the tube, the lights and set the mood with a little bit of ambient light. there's something in the air today and i think it's something good. everything seems to be going on around me but i feel so comfortable being able to sit here and really chill. there's nothing to it ay. my sisters listening to the tv in her dreams in the lounge room and mums singing in the shower while dinner sits in the kitchen table. there's something going on tonight. it's not a full moon nor is it hot and humid like other days, the winds blowing and i reckon it won't rain like mum said it would tomorrow. why is it that such little detailed things tonight seem to give me so much more joy tonight than it would any other night. why am i noticing.

hahaha, it's strange ay but nothing at the moment seems perfect nor do they seem disastrous but it's just all good ay. ya know i really hope this feeling last for a little while longer ay. i reckon happenings within the past few weeks have taught me some very important life long lessons and shit's finally hit the fan. lesson no.1: don't plan what's going to happen next, nor dwell on what's already happened, just be there when it happens.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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