my actual to do list

as you can see im a boring person and can't find anything interesting to do so i've composed this list i wish to accomplish over the holidays.

hitting up the great barrier reef
going camping somewhere
starting up and working hard on distributing company
starting to study for pharmacy subjects next year
working hard for a good month
find another job or get extra hours
clean the house
sort out all the useless stuff in the house
sort out the backyard sheds
buy new mower and mow the grass
fix up the boats and sell 2
get boat license
start up ebay shop
go chermside shopping
go hot air ballooning
buy a car
renovate the house
fix up light in the hall way and bindis light downstairs
replace all light bulbs with energy efficient ones
change all tap washers, taps and shower heads to efficient ones
go on the 12 week bondy challenge
get the car serviced
start up the garden
fix up that business plan on twentyfour
begin study on sleep
make a youtube video
make a video
put up kitchen benches for mum
fix the door knobs and handles for the house
fix up all the fly screens
have at least one bbq

yeah something on the lines of that ay....


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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