stronger than, again

again i sit here, late night or rather early morning promising myself yet again that i will never do an all nighter ever again. it's the anatomy practical exam this time and i reckon i've done a pretty solid effort for the amount of time i've spent on studying this. 20 or so pages of notes on the past 8 pracs to me seem enough, hopefully they will be for tomrorows exam.

i'm on my 10 minute break and am listening to urbangermanys cover of stronger than by gabe bondoc and i think. nothing special or anything, just thinking of random stuff, something that will take my mind off the amazingly interesting (it actually is) anatomy of the human body. just gotta rest up the mind, refresh it enough to keep me interested and awake for another few more hours to finish up.

these little breaks remind of me the mid study breaks over in nz where we would hop out of our warm cosy rooms into the cold hard winter nights and trek a slight walk to the hall kitchen downstairs (remembering to have ya mug in one hand and room keys in the other). opening the double swing doors to the kitchen, the warm air of kitchen heaters would blow in your face and the dozen or so other students scattered around the kitchen dining tables (also cramming) would look up and then back down at their books. walking a little past where we would line up to grab a feed, the coffee/ hot chocolate machine sat. our tradition was the karan double chocolate (i'm suprised we hadn't all gotten diabetes) where you would max out all sugars, chocolate and milk and then take your mug out before the water starts pouring. i'll tell you, it gives you a better kick than coffee that's for sure. most of the time the guys would be down there or heading there at the same time and we would sit there for a good half or so sometimes rambling bout random shit but mostly just about how we were all gonna fail.

i really miss those days ay. i reckon a hot chocolate will cheer me up tho. haha, makes ya warm and fuzzy inside. what was that quote i read sometime previously...can't remember, something about how hot chocolate when you first pour it in your mouth burns ya and while swallowing it, itburns all the way down and u regret drinking it so fast but when it reaches your stomach and warms everything up and ya feel happy again...:S i'm not sure, when i find it i'll post it, it's a good quote...hahaha.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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