
in approximately half a day or so i will begin my last shift at the calamvale. two days from now, i will end my time with security and continue on with my dreams; dreams of being able to sleep early (not that early) on a friday night and wake up early on a saturday morning to drive through saturday morning traffic, and breathe the saturday morning air (it's different). dreams of being able to go fishing on a saturday night and come back late on a sunday morning. dreams of being able to not worry about what next week will bring, or the following weeks for that matter if a big bald islander were dragged out for some particular reason.

but i think the most important dream i've had for a very long time is that i will be free. free from the many burdens of emotional intoxicated people, free from vomit, and spit, and spilt alcohol, and cigarette smoke, staining my clothes; and free from being accustomed to it all. free from the thoughts of bad behavioured patrons and their hurtful words. free from the physical pain of punches, kicks, bites and bottles.

in a second, i would do it all again, but not now.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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