as i sit quietly beneath the coffee table and proped against the sweat stained, toe jammed couch, and next to cola whom is attempting to sleep while my foot rubs against her underside, i feel a slight sense of very very minimal loneliness. may it be the house is empty with mum away yet again, or the younger one away making memories with friends at dinner, or may it be that in every direction i look, or rather, more or less every channel that i switch too, has some kind of reference to well, a relationship (the one between a male and a female if you didn't catch my drift).

i dunno what it is really. i rarely ever feel lonely, well in that sense anyway. but it's just strange that even on a show which has nothing to do with relationships, and the particular segment i was watching being about butterflies, i've somehow managed to find some reference in it which i've used to blame the way its made me feel. on getaway, they described of Morelia, a capital city of a state in mexico, where in autumn, 250 million monarch butterflies migrate from canada to hibernate and mate. with the life span of a particular butterfly ranging between 6 - 8 weeks, the trip takes 5 generations. and as well as it's strange to know that all these butterflies every year and at the same time decide to migrate to mexico and mate, it's kind of beautiful in my opinion. after mating, the female leaves while the male, too exhausted, drops to the forest floor and dies.

a moccona ad on channel 7 makes me feel a little strange as well. a dude walks around trying to find a coffee glass which can fit his lid. but you know what, after thinking about this a bit during this blog, i've sort of realised that it doesn't really matter anyway. it's not like it's bothering me too much, just a little sense i had which has probably dissapeared by now anyways.

maybe what's most important are the people around you, those friends who are with you 24/7, those who are with you when you feel lonely. maybe i'm not soo lonely after all. i wasn't too sure about it anyways. i need a shower.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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