with most of the crew inside now, we sat, pretty exhausted, resting in the lounge room watching from what i remember, pirated episodes of my wife and kids. after a good few of them, it was time to get ready for bondys' (we had all decided to take him out to dins for his b'day). upon calling him though, it was discovered that he had an assignment due the next day and that he would only be able to come chill for a few hours. all was good though, we decided to just go to little hong kong or something similar for a small feed and have everyone home early for once.

we picked bondy up and after driving around for a good half or so, there we sat in sunnypark, in our cars, deciding where the best place would be to eat. it was pretty apparent that most of us didn't want to go near market square (the amount of times we've eatten there has put a permanant curse on all of us) but where else? i can't really remember how we came upon the decision to have korean bbq, maybe it were that most of us hadn't eatten it before but nonetheless, that's where we headed next. with janice and i heading to pinelands and phuccie instinctively heading to the korean bbq located next to ipm, we turned around. (wouldn't it of been easier to get phuccie to come to us, rather than have 2 cars go to him...feel special phuccie).

the brightly lit restaurant attracted us like a moth to a lamp. seated and after a long discussion, we ordered 7 dishes of marinated chicken, pork ribs, beef and egg omelettes. waiting for the gas lit grills to be hot enough to cook on, we smashed down 2 shots of sake (similar, can't remember the name) after which we (martin and molo) resembled much like red ripe tomatoes. phuccie was devasted not being able to have one with the b'day boy (drink drive man, it's fun; not really) but he still tried to smash down as much food as possible, we all did, we developed alcoholic munchies. the last plate of meat was pretty much licked clean so martin and i, pretty tipsy now, over confidently decided on another 3 more plates. i guess that's what alcohol does to you, you feel like a massive dude.

massive was definately not how we felt after the feed, well, in a sense of personal identification anyway (our bellys were pretty massive though). crying like little girls, we moaned of how bloated and stuffed we were from the feed. unable to walk, we layed down in the car closest (my car was closest to me) and were driven (bindi drove) to ms were janice and a few bought desert. chillin for a few, we decided to call it a night. having bondy still wanting to chill though, we headed over to my place for a long 5 hour deep one where we talked about things ranging from the good old days primary school days comparing lunch boxes with each other to where i diagnosed everyones sickness being either a cold or flu and giving treatments accordingly.

i drove bondy and molo home, half asleep. it was an awesome night.


  1. Unknown said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  2. Janice Trieu said...

    The alcohol was called SOJU. Duhh!

''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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