on the holidays pt 1

with my wallet half open in front of me, and my brand new spanking license (that's right, opens) visible, i can still remember the feeling i had not even a week ago when i saw those red and blue lights reflecting in my rear view mirror.

we started the weekend early, down the coast after promising to take phuccie and janice for a fish. after picking up phuccie, and later janice, and having a stop by at the old bottle-o (bloody phuccie and his beers), we spent a good few down the coast. having most of the fishing time occupied with eatting whitting and chips and taking shadow photos and sharing the random conversations we usually do, we decided to do a runner after only, from what i remember, a half of fishing (barely much for even the line to get wet). we were to meet up with a few others back in brissie, and upon smashing it home, i got smashed with a 150 dollar fine when i exceeded the speed limit of 110 by 13.

in the instance i saw the dull reflection of the police car stickers while it sits sneakingly within the emergency u-turn behind a shrub of bushes, my sense of hope being that i had slowed down in time was crushed when the lights of justice and sound of terrible were observed and heard. indeed, the sense of terror was not as much as felt until when the officer asked for an alcohol breath test. i literally shat myself (only way to describe it) after knowingly having a few beforehand. blowing the triple got me happy enough to even take the fine and 3 points as something awesome.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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