on the holidays pt 2

we shared a little convo at sunny maccas with ross and eddy and molo whom we had met up with. after the whole discussion of what we'ld do or where we'ld go, we decided to try our luck yet again, in the hole, the brissie hole, the one where no-one can deny the fact that there is absolutely nothing other than the hideous catty which can be caught there. we went anyway.

so we sat waiting (molo and i), for the inevitable reel in of an untouched sea soaked piece of bait where we would peel off afterwards and decide to end the night. it came at 3 in the morning.

we all got home. they slept till mid-day and i slept to fill in the time before i had to start work; to begin my first morning shift at the restaurant

it was a saturday morning, i drove through saturday morning traffic, and breathed in the saturday morning air; it sucked (only because i had a little more than 4 that morning). it was actually pretty cool though. co and di van helped teach me cook the breakfast menu. all i can say is that give me a month or so and maccas might have to improve their menus to compete with me.....


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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