
ive memorised one lecture and now i think i'm a mad dude..............................

so i hit up the lectures i was supposed to do yesterday and have only got to getting through one so far.

i've gone through epilepsy which doesn't seem too hard and i've become complacent beause of it.

all i can think of is thursday and all the things im going to do to relax before my last exam on monday; who cares right, it's on monday?

my 15 hours or so of sleep today has helped me stay pretty wide awake but the caffeine i had was pure awesome, it helped cure my headache (damn you vasodilation!)

i've got that much time to spare (thats what my stupid side of the brain thinks) that i was able to read a study on the affects of excess caffeine.

i love fishing that much that i've booked phuccie out for next thursday.

its freezing.

i think i have swine flu.

i've re-editted this thing too many times now that i don't really care anymore about my engrish mistakes.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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