so it seems that i'm not stressing too much but i can just imagine how i'm going to feel tomorrow night, tuesday night and wednesday night. to be really truthful, my right kidney feels a little funny at the moment but usually all parts of my body malfunctions sooner or later during exams, damn, it's starting a little early though i've got to admit.

im half way through my exam notes for saturday which has been mostly on cleaning of sh*t. hopefully after this half or so of getting my mind awake listening to some mraz and having a feed on 4 day old banh mi thit i'll be able to finish most of it off so i can start studying other stuff. i've given up on trying to memorise absolutely everything especially....


so it is actually tomorrow and my exam is in a few hours. hmm, what has changed since the time i started this blog, not too much. i am, but very minimally, stressed which is what i really need at the moment so i can sit down and try to absolutely haul ass. thought that although the majority of the marks are in the second part of the semester, the studying of the first portions wouldn't be such a bad idea for the easy marks. i've gone through most of the start of semester stuff again and am pretty (not absolutely) confident that i'll be able to pass that stuff.

second part of the semester has been started and like i said before i really couldn't be bothered remembering all the processes of cleaning to be honest. hopefully things will just pop out in the multiple choice and as for the short answer questions, well, good luck to me ay? even though it does worry me that i might have to survive this bloody unit once more next year (touch wood to the freaking days), i just want to get it the hell over and done with so i can concentrate on my next two exams (coming very very soon).

i've already sorted out all the things i've neeeded to study for the two subjects as i have with all the tasks i've to do that's been compounding all week to be able to have a good solid weekend of as little interuptions as possible. i've skipped the massive caffeine load tonight in hope for the ability to fall asleep soon and for a few hours. im actually pretty scared that i won't be able to wake up so i'll set my alarm a good 20 or so times...hopefully that will be enough.

i know this post really doesn't make too much sense or is succint than usually, (well makes even less sense than usual i should say) but i just have a need to blog and put a few things out there physically instead of on my mind.

i'll be back


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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